copyright @ பொருளுக்கு அலைகின்ற பொருளற்ற வாழ்க்கையும் துரத்துதே....
Hounded by this meaningless life, which hankers after wealth....fame...success and pleasure....
Palmistry is my Penance ... Meditation. Hoping to get enlightened, one day.... god willing....Online Palmistry course is also being conducted, to share the knowledge of Palmistry.
I have also done basic courses in Astrology from ICAS ( Indian Council of Astrological Sceinces).
Due to deep interest, I pursued Palmistry. I am a student from Institute of Palmistry, founded by Prof Dayanand Verma in 1989, New Delhi.
I have done my course in Hast Rekha Vigyan Acharya.
An authentic Indian Palm reading site, where you will get accurate predictions by a Genuine Palmist.
Basic qualification:
I am basically an electronics engineer. (AMIE) from Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
For Chaldean Numerology i follow the ultimate maestro Numerologist teachings - Pandit Sethuraman & the most Brilliant contemporary Numerologist Mr Niranjan ( Dubai, UAE) .
I was given the direction of Reiki, while i was meditating, by certain experiences. I fine tuned this, with the help of one of the Ace Reiki Masters, Jagmohan Sachdevaji. Finding the defective Chakras through your Palms or Tarot, and healing them with the help of Eashwara s Divine Energy, we can bring in tremendous change and wonderful turning point to ones life, God willing. makes it clear that no discipline is perfect. The prediction is made on the basis of Palmprints and date of birth sent to us. Palm lines are subject to change and so is our future. This is divine knowledge and GOD alone is the SUPREME power.
I have also done a course on Pythogerean Numerology under the able guidance of Dr RavindraKumar (Ph.d Mathematics from IIT) .
Tarot.... This was something that came very natural to me within few months of learning. It is a very useful tool for taking decisions, to get advices when you are confused, to introspect yourself and ofcourse for a quick YES or No. TAROT CHAKRA reading, combined with PALMISTRY CHAKRA reading, can help pin point your health issues and beaware of any forthcoming setbacks, Godwilling.